Healthy recipe For A Long and Happy Life
The power supply is one of the key pillars of health and long-term results. Maintain a well-balanced diet that is high in nutrients and low in processed ingredients, it contributes not only to the well-being of the physical body, but also mind, health and happiness. With this in mind, here are three delicious recipes, healthy […]
How to Get started with Mindfulness: A Step-by-Step
The mindfulness or mindfulness, is a practice that is both powerful and manufacturing, recognized for its benefits on mental and physical health. More and more people are incorporating mindfulness into their daily routine to reduce stress, improve concentration, and achieve greater emotional balance. In this in-depth guide will walk you through it in order to […]
Stories of change: How the Philosophy of ADNLIFE Changed his Life
The philosophy of ADNLIFE was created in order to help people to live a more positive, authentic, conscious, by promoting the balance between the body and the mind. Using an approach that combines the practices of self-care, mindfulness, nutrition-conscious, and self-development, is this philosophy that has transformed lives around the world. In this article, we […]
How Technology Is changing Health, and Longevity
In the past few years, technology has revolutionized the way we take care of our health, and promote longevity. From monitoring devices to advances in personalized medicine, technological innovations are opening up new possibilities for a longer, healthier life. The impact of artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence, telemedicine, and genetic studies are increasingly available and affordable, […]
How slight Changes in the Day-to-Day Can Make a Big Difference
Sustainability is a question that is increasingly present in our lives, but too often we underestimate the impact that a small change in the day-to-day can have on the environment. The good news is that we transform the habits in order to reduce our footprint and doesn’t require great sacrifice, just a little bit more […]
The Impact of Positive Thinking on Health care
The power of positive thinking is not just a cliché or an optimistic view of the world; it is a practice that has the potential to effectively transform your lives. Numerous studies have shown that keeping a positive impact on not only our mental health but also our physical well-being. To think in a positive […]
What Is self Care and Why it Is Essential To Your Well-Being
O conceito de autocuidado é amplamente discutido, mas muitas vezes mal compreendido. Muitos pensam que se trata apenas de momentos de lazer ou de indulgência, como um dia no spa ou umas férias, mas o autocuidado vai muito além disso. No fundo, o autocuidado abrange práticas deliberadas que adotamos para manter a nossa saúde física, […]
10 Foods that Can Increase Your Longevity
A alimentação desempenha um papel crucial na nossa saúde e longevidade. Escolher os alimentos certos pode não só melhorar a nossa qualidade de vida, como também prolongá-la. Neste artigo, exploramos dez alimentos que, segundo estudos científicos, podem contribuir para uma vida mais longa e saudável. Descubra como pequenas mudanças na sua dieta podem fazer uma […]